Diplomutdeling i klasse 5B

5B deltok i den 43. utstillingen for internasjonal utveksling av barnetegninger i Kyoto (20. - 22. mars 2020, Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art Annex) forrige skoleår.

Elevene hadde designet BUNAD-vesker basert på originale broderimønstre i kunstundervisningen med Katalin Buzinkay og ble nå tildelt et diplom for deltakelse i kunstutstillingen.

Diplomene ble overrakt av rektor Oliver Schaefer i en liten seremoni i klasserommet.

"With each passing day, we wish for the world to bring back peace and order as soon as possible, so we can take each other's hand and heads towards tomorrow to exchange with one another.

The PASS will continue to work towards fulfilling the wish of strengthening friendship between children, and to further understand each other through art."

(The Private Art School Society to Encourage International Exchange of Children's Art)

Kari Kvam